Latest Episodes

Season 3 Episode 3 with Special Guest Sharon Weishar- Building Legacies: From Business Owner to Realtor
On this episode, Ana and Sharon discuss Sharon's journey into real estate and her transition from being a business owner to becoming a realtor....

Season 3 Episode 2 with Special Guest Kate Mackay- Balancing Acts: Business, Love, and Growth
In this episode, Kate shared her entrepreneurial journey over the past 12 years. She reflected on various business ventures, including launching a business under...

Season 3 Episode 1- Navigating Change and Uncertainty in Leadership
This episode is about the importance of cultivating gratitude and faith as a means of building resilience and success, particularly in the context of...

Episode #8 with Ana & Kristan Billing- Building Bonds, and Purpose: Real Estate Career Insights with Kristan and Ana
On this episode, Kristan Billing and Ana Marin, discuss their career journeys and their roles in real estate. Kristan explains how everything she has...

Episode #7 with Sandy & Ana- Recruitment Realities: Balancing Systems, Cultural Fits, and Talent Onboarding
On this episode of The Team Building Show, Sandy and Ana discussed the importance of finding and attracting talent for business growth. It emphasizes...

Episode #6 with Sandy & Ana- Building a Supportive and Positive Team Culture in Real Estate
This podcast is about building a positive and supportive team culture in the real estate industry. Sandy and Ana emphasize the importance of having...